Find Professional Counselling Services in Blackburn, Lancashire


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Phone07933 281106

Welcome to People of Worth counselling and psychotherapy clinic. We offer bespoke therapy for abuse, addiction, anxiety, bullying, self-confidence and much more. We have a team of well qualified counsellors who work tirelessly for healing our patients.

People of Worth’s Counselling Therapies in Blackburn, Lancashire

  1. Integrative Psychotherapy
  2. Interpersonal Therapy
  3. Mindfulness
  4. Person Centred Therapy
  5. Gestalt Chair Dialogues
  6. Life story Journeys
  7. Eye Movement Desensitisation
  8. Parks Inner Child Therapy

Feel free to call us on 07933 281 106 or Visit – Blackburn Counselling

Listing ID: 971603a43beccde1